Granfeld offers the service of discretionary portfolio management for investors who are willing to delegate the investment decision-taking aspect to the firm. Through our specialist expertise and multi-year experience we can manage portfolios fit for all investment objectives, from wealth preservation to income generation and capital accumulation.
Portfolio Management
For investors with a busy lifestyle, willing to delegate investment decisions to Granfeld, we will design a tailored portfolio.

For investors with a busy lifestyle, willing to delegate investment decisions to Granfeld, we will design a tailored portfolio and manage it according to their investment objective and preferences
For investors with a busy lifestyle, willing to delegate investment decisions to Granfeld, we will design a tailored portfolio and manage it according to their investment objective and preferences
We manage both Single and Multi-asset portfolios, tailor made to investor's preferences. Our solutions are available in most major currencies
We manage both Single and Multi-asset portfolios, tailor made to investor's preferences. Our solutions are available in most major currencies
Portfolios are managed according to the firm's investment philosophy and the investor’s risk profile. Granfeld has a structured investment process that begins with the analysis of trends in global economies and markets, moving to more specific factors such as valuation and sentiment.
Portfolios are constructed by considering all investment instruments and by having an open architecture approach. The investor can further customize the portfolio by applying restrictions. The portfolio style and bias is adjusted accordingly to reflect the firm's investment views.
We offer regular and ad hoc reporting possibilities as well as direct communication in order to examine the performance and review the investment strategy.
Our portfolio management solutions are offered either directly or in the context of a Private Fund, Trust, Foundation or Life Insurance Policy.
Upon request, Granfeld can design and manage single asset class solutions in either Fixed Income or Equities.
Taliored investment portfolios in the Fixed Income space include predominantly solutions for investors with a low risk profile and Wealth Preservation as their Investment Objective.
Subject to client categorization and risk profile, the firm can offer more specialized solutions such mandates focusing in Emerging Markets and the subordinated debt space.
Equity solutions focus on Yield Enhancing strategies and are predominantly theme-based such as a High Dividend portfolio.